Free Typing Lessons

Learn how to touch type quickly with this amazing new app!


  • Hundreds of lessons for all skill levels.
  • Typing test with lowercase, uppercase, and symbols options.
  • 100% Free to use software!

Introductory Lessons

Teaches where your fingers should be on the keyboard so that you can learn to type without looking.

Beginner and Intermediate Lessons

These typing lessons teach you how to type using various reaches, letters, and words.

Typing Statistics

Keep track of how fast or accurate you typed on the tests. View your accuracy for each letter typed, and see how much time you have spent typing.

A message about data privacy

The developer of this app and website does not directly collect or save any of your personal information or data. The website uses Google Analytics, and the app Best Typing Lessons and Test serves ads through Unity Ads, AdColony, and Facebook Audience Network. Each of these third party vendors collect information from users to personalize ad content. If a user purchases the IAP to remove ads none of the ad networks will be activated and none of your data will be transfered to them. The privacy polices for each of these ad network services are listed below.


If you have suggestions, find a bug, or need help please email me.